A dedicated spot for all the information you can find about the lore! Click the images to open the links! All credit goes to the respective creators. I’ll do my best to update it along the way if I find more info.
Video Game Overview
Taken from Wikipedia, this chart shows the video games made by director Yoko Taro, listed by release date.
Complete NieR Timeline
If you want the easy route and see everything in one sitting, here is a YouTube Video that puts all the timeline together with extra lore that’s harder to find on your own.
Here is a comprehension codex of the timeline with extra materials such as stageplays, CD scripts, interviews, & more. The book is similar to the video above if you prefer to read it yourself.
Timeline Chart
Here is the timeline in chronological order so you can see all the extra little info you might’ve missed out on! It’s a lot to take in so brace yourself!
Accord’s Library
We all know our lovely Accord is working hard in the background. So feel free to search around her library and gain more knowledge than ever before! She’s doing her best to archive everything!
Who is Accord?
She appears in Drakengard 3. If you still don’t understand her purpose or are just curious on what she’s doing, here is an interview revealing some more information about her!
Fire Sanctuary
Another website dedicated to archive more of Yoko Taro’s work! It shares more of the stage play videos & more interviews. Basically extra information and illustrations.
The Ark
After you finish NieR:Automata, there are answers to whatever questions you have, especially if you were confused during specific parts. There is more lore in here too like the short stories.
Let’s Play Archive
If you feel the need to refresh your memories on NieR:Automata or just want to read the side quests you’ve missed out on and don’t feel like replaying the game again, this website does a good job retelling the stories with screenshots included.
NieR Re[in]carnation
This website holds everything you need to know about Reincarnation. From the main stories, side stories, weapon stories, and so on. Yes everything is canon and it is the 3rd NieR game. Don’t complain.
Square Enix held a competition to create a fanmade NieR game back in 2022. This creator made the game in 3 weeks. He won the competition, but sadly on how excellent the game was developed, Square Enix could not promote it because everyone would think it was part of the actual lore, game franchise, and some legal stuff… To this day, you can play it! It does have 5 different endings so try it out when you have the chance!
NieR:Analysis Playlist
My friend is a DrakeNieR enthusiast too, so he created a YouTube playlist of a bunch of analysis videos (and random memes) on NieR. We are still adding videos along the way so feel free to consume more content with us!
NieR:Automata Podcast
This podcast by Resonant Arc gives good insight on topics we might have missed and adds more information about other philosophical themes. More theories and fun connections to the real world!
Fooled the World
In June of 2022, a mod creator brought an interesting question to Reddit that said “how do you open the Church” in Nier automata. It became such a rabbit hole that even Yoko Taro said “I can’t answer about any products. Please ask the publisher.” Everyone thought it was real and something no one has ever found before.
This creator has been updating and creating NieR theories and connections for a long time. He does such an amazing job creating in-depth YouTube videos and updating any new content on his Twitter! Please check him out, there’s so much valuable data he’s been sharing. (Spoiler warning)
This is just a fun trivia website. Before the NieR anime came out, there was a bit of a fun community website that Square Enix made. If everyone clicks on the apple enough, they’ll release more teasers of the anime!
Pascal Game
While the NieR Anime was still being teased, Square Enix made a mini game called Pascal Game. It features a little machine lifeform trying to dodge all the metal bars, boars, and mooses and cross the finish line! Try out the game for yourself!
Angelic Translations
The NieR Wiki holds tons of knowledge here too! The most interesting section is the Angelic Writing that’s been used throughout all of the game series. It has translated some sections from NieR Replicant, NieR:Automata, and NieR Reincarnation. There’s more lore that’s coming out that needs to be translated too!
Accord Hexcodes
The NieR:Automata anime had some secret messages throughout the entire series. If you missed them, don’t worry! Someone recorded all of the Accord’s codes on this website. The Great Calamity has arrived.