
Hiyaa! My real name is Princess & sadly I don’t have a nickname, but Tabby/Tabs/Bee works just fine!

☆ 22 years old
☆ April 29
☆ Taurus C:
☆ In a relationship <3
☆ USED to mainly play OW/Apex, now
I play a bunch of mini variety games


A dedicated page that I made about the game series Drakegard and Nier!

It contains all the information to dive in the series, click on the image to the left to go there.

Tabby’s Quizzicals

A page that directs you to all the quizes that I made!

Click on the image to the left to go there.

TabbyBundles’s Twitch

My main social, I stream for fun! Please drop there at any moment, the link is TabbyBundles.

Tabby’s Discord

I have a discord, press the link Tabby’s Clowder to enter!

YouTube Vods Channel

I have a Vods channel with my livestreams, at TabbyBundle VODS

More Socials

For all of my socials the header has a Socials page!